Monday, April 26, 2010

LolaRuns returns from blog hiatus when two hearts get broken

On November 28, 2009, LolaRuns and BoyGenius decided to take a leap. We leapt into a relationship – head on – without helmets.

BoyGenius had been married for two years and divorced for six. In between college and marriage and post divorce, he had done his fair share of dating. BoyGenius was a dating Subject Matter Expert and brought to the relationship all of the lessons learned.

Unfortunately, LolaRuns was not so well equipped. She had a significant relationship with her high school/college sweetheart and a hot relationship with a secret paramour that spanned close to two years. Because of her relationship inexperience, LolaRuns vowed to open her mind and her heart to new experiences with BoyGenius.

In the beginning, BoyGenius was fantastically optimistic. He introduced LolaRuns to his parents within two weeks of their relationship and talked a lot about marriage. LolaRuns was overwhelmed – things were moving fast and she was busy learning, adapting and making changes.

So what happened?

After just four months and three weeks, LolaRuns realized that she wasn’t truly happy. The relationship with BoyGenius ended just yesterday on April 20, 2010.

LolaRuns wishes that she continued to blog or at least kept a private journal while she was with BoyGenius. But in between working, trying to return to running, spending time with BoyGenius, and just plain living, LolaRuns wasn’t able to sit down and capture the nuances of the relationship in a blog or other format.

If LolaRuns did, maybe she would be able to articulate better the things that slowly began to shake her faith in the relationship, BoyGenius, and their shared life.

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